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Safety First- All members Drill
Publisher:Sheng DaobingSource:donashworth.comViews:84 Pubdate:2023-07-13

     Safety always first. As a benchmarking safety enterprise of the State Council, Weibang has the ability and responsibility to be good not only for audit but also in implementation daily routing.

We had been carried out our safety culture construction activities, including “five one minute”, “three violations of the system”, “unsafe behavior identification and control measures” and other related topics. Enhance everyone's overall safety awareness, responsibility concept and accident prevention and disposal ability, and further pragmatic safety basic management work.It provides a solid  guarantee for the continuous and stable operation of safe production.                                 

 On June 25, Weibang regularly  carried out fire safety emergency drills. During the exercise, all departments  actively participated, familiar with the escape  route in the company, understood the use of fire extinguishers and emergency rescue    operations of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.