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NIO Sales Accelerating
Publisher:WeiSource:donashworth.comViews:114 Pubdate:2023-07-13

    Marketing source, the weekly sales of NIO in the first week of July reached 4,100 surplus,  ranking number 2 in the Chinese new startup EV OEM sales list.

One of the reason of this change is the adjustment of battery free change rights carried out in June, which leads the price changes of vehicles and more flexibility for customers  to choose.Another reason is NIO launched 5 new models ending the phase of choices shortage of customers, further more accelerated the  sales volume.

   The market expects NIO sales could reach 16,000 units in July, and an    average of 20,000 units per month in the second half of 2023 will be  at a high probability.                 

   Weibang provides E-transmission for the NIO all 7778 models, we expect the production peak season is coming in the 2nd half of 2023.