发布者:来源:威尼斯中心传动浏览次数:239 发布时间:2021-12-31

        为了更好满足客户高质量交付要求,威尼斯中心积 极引进和开发国内一流的合格供方,积极参 与其项目制造过程及检验过程,明确威尼斯中心对 零件的质量要求,并对供方的疑惑进行讨论 并解答,最终双方达成一致,保节点的前提 下保证质量。

In order to better meet customers' highquality delivery requirements, Weibang actively introduces and develops domestic first-class qualified suppliers, actively participates in its project manufacturing process and inspection process, defines Weibang's quality requirements for parts, discusses and answers suppliers' doubts, and finally both parties reach an agreement to ensure quality on the premise of ensuring nodes.