发布者:来源:威尼斯中心传动浏览次数:288 发布时间:2021-12-16

        威尼斯中心项目和研发同事一行于十一月前往比 利时圣徒雷登,PPS EV总部进行为期一周的商务行程。威尼斯中心团队就诸多议题和潜在项目与EV团队进行了广泛讨论,并落实 了 行 动 计 划 。 在 此 期间, 蔚 邦 团 队 对EP1C 产线做现场考察和评估,就潜在项目Arrival和ET4进行了开发评估讨论,同时在产品市场推广上达成了合作计划。双方还针对研发培训、测试和NVH资源合作做了建设性沟通,为后续合作奠定基础。

   WB project and R&D colleagues visited Punch EV headquarter at city Sint- Triuden Belgium at November. During one week stay, WB team discussed many topics and potential customer projects, carried out action plans for future. Meanwhile, WB team on site check the EP1C line, had development evaluation meeting for project Arrival and ET4. Both side reached cooperation plan for promote products in further exhibitions. Constructive discussion on R&D training plan, testing knowhow, NVH study also conducted, which will obviously built fundamentals for further cooperates.