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EV Upward Trend Not Changed- impacts on epidemic
Publisher:Source:donashworth.comViews:92 Pubdate:2022-05-15

In April, the epidemic outbroken at many areas of China, especially in the northeast and southeast regions, where the automotive supply chain is particularly critical and developed. Many auto companies saw dismal sales in April. The performance on sales of cutin-half means that the mom reduction over 50%, but in April under the influence of the epidemic and the superposition of chips shorts, 50% sales of traget is a remarkable achievements, and the sales volume of most others still less than that.Although there is a lot of mourning, the positive side can still be seen in the market data. In March, the month of outbreak starts, the penetration of EV Passenger in China reached 28%, and in April, the figure was 20%. However, because of the blockage of international supply chains such as chips, the impact of EV delivery is far greater than that of ICE, and 20% penetration is already a good result. If major EV enterprises can produce and deliver normally, the penetration rate will definitely create new level. This aspect can be seen from BYD, they build their own chips, and of course even in April, they still achieved a mom surpass.The Chinese market is a huge single market, with an average annual sales of nearly 30 million vehicles, and the annual increase penetration rate has given unlimited market opportunities for global EV partners.We have positive confidence in the rapid recovery of the EV market, and Weibang also firmly believes that with the support of shareholders, customers, and the good trend of the industry, the company will surely achieve greater and longer-term development.