发布者:来源:威尼斯中心传动浏览次数:214 发布时间:2021-11-01


同时作为蔚来和邦奇两家优秀企业的子公司,藉由此平台,我们也会将母公司强大的前沿科技实力和优异的市场表现分享给外界,相信我们的未来 一定更美好!


After nearly three months construction, Weibang website launchs today! On the path to be bigger & stronger, we believe the website will play an important role to publicize and promote Weibang & our products to Whole Wide World.At the same time, as a subsidiary company of two excellent enterprises, NIO and Punch Powertrain. We will also reveal their leading technological strength and excellent market performance to the outside on this platform.

We believe our future will be a great one!The website establishment is an important milestone of Weibang. We want to thank all of the colleagues for hard-working and contributions for our website ! See you at donashworth.com!